Google should stick to maths
I've said it before and I will say it again - Google should stick to math’s and automation instead of trying to compete with Yahoo and Microsoft at what they do best - community/applications/platforms.
The only two things Google has ever hit out of the park were search and advertising. Both involved automating the process of people finding stuff. Automation being the key ingredient. They are great at math’s.
But when it comes to building communities like with Google Answers Yahoo or Microsoft seem to win every time.
Google should stick to what it does best instead of getting distracted by the other 2. If it plays to its strengths then it would minimize it's growing evil image and decrease its wasted efforts.
I guess for now they have the cash to burn, even if all they achieve is keeping Yahoo and Microsoft on their toes.

Good post. I have been struggling to articulate why I feel that Google doesn't get it in some areas and you do it nicely here.
Luckily for them though maths (ie search) seems to be where the revenue is at. Yahoo! for all its comunities isn't making much progress.
Search is where the revenue is at, at the moment. But one day we may look back and think that search was quaint.
Just like we look back now and see what WebCrawler and Yahoo was doing was quaint (in terms of their rudimentary algorithms).
As I say in my previous post on the subject - Google should have done Digg, TechMeme, Touchstone. Not Google Talk, Writley and YouTube.
Don't get me wrong in all this. I love Google's ability to automate and generate accurate results. I say they should stick to their strengths to succeed - not because of some malice I have for them.
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