Social Media is Dead!
His claim is based on the fact that most mainstream media now has comments and forums and blogs etc... so there is no longer a difference between 'unsocial' and 'social' media - therefore it is now all just media.
What do you think? Is the mainstream media a product of social interactions or a highly controlled editorial process?
Maybe we are can call it Media 2.0
Labels: Media 2.0, micropersuation, social media, steverubel

Social Media is not Dead!
I wrote a counter piece to Rubel's premature claim...
Great headline, but just not true.
I have a post on my blog about a news article from the mainstream media. They posted an article about something that has since been proven to be untrue, but they still leave the original article up, unmarked with any notice that it's been confirmed as untrue.
Until the media takes more responsibility for what they publish, and communicate with the public to clarify, correct and confirm information, it's not social.
In addition to this, most newspapers heavily edit their comments and also do not allow trackbacks. That's not exactly social behaviour.
I agree with both of you - my post was sort of sarcastic :)
I also posted a follow up to clarify.
So what do you think we should do to force them to be more sociable?
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