Chris Saad speaking at 'The Next Web Conference'
Here's a bit of info about the conference from the website:
The Next Web Conference is THE European conference for industry thought-leaders, leading web-companies, innovative Startups, visionaries and real Web savvies. This third edition will be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on April 3rd & 4th, 2008.
Labels: APML, conference, dataportability, Media 2.0, speaking

Good morning. You might remember me. My name is Bart Stevens and spammed you on the VRM/ID conference in Munich.
I will be in Adam during TheNextWeb.
Let's see if we can have a brief chat during the conference.
I will be at the nextweb and hopr we'll find some time to chat a bit.
I've helped translating APML in french... and will continue to help.
Very happy to see where you are now compare to two years ago when we first started to talk about attention economy ;-D
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