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Thursday, January 04, 2007

Congratulations to Google - Attention Data Matters

I have said a few negative things about Google recently - it seems like they have had a run of bad luck. But this post has made me happy - Mihai and Google have caught onto the idea of Attention Data (although he never quite calls it Attention Data) - and has created a 'Reader Trends' page for us all.

FeedDemon has actually been doing something along these lines for a little while though. I'd like to think that Mihai and the rest of the Google Reader team knew this? Why not give them credit?

In any case, seems like 2007 really will be the year of Attention Data. Lucky we at Touchstone are one step ahead of Attention Data and have moved onto Attention Profiling and Attention Management.

Via Micro Persuasion - Thanks to Marianne for pointing this out for me.

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Blogger Mihai Parparita said...

I actually wasn't aware of FeedDemon having similar stats. My inspiration was NetNewsWire's Dinosaurs window, Google Trends and Search History Trends.

Mihai Parparita
Google Reader Enginer

2:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the nod, Chris :) However, while it's true that FeedDemon has shown the feeds you're paying the most/least attention to for over a year now, I can't really claim this as my invention. Other aggregators haven't offered this feature, but plenty of other services have provided similar views in the past.

BTW, it will be interesting to see how Google integrates overall attention data with individual attention data - that's something I've been wanting to do for quite some time.

3:57 AM  
Blogger Chris Saad said...

Mihai, no worries - it was a great addition to the reader so well done!

Nick, I like to credit where it's due and I have been a FeedDemon fan for a while.

I think the basic idea is the same though - getting a sense of which feeds have earned the most attention from you.

I too will be interested in how Google integrates the Attention Data in across all aspects.

If it's something you want to do perhaps our attention engine might be a great addition to FeedDemon?

1:08 PM  

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