I'm a big RSS user - 20 feeds or so
bardicknowledge Says:I guess I should not tell him about the 170 I'm subscribed to. And I know others with many more than that :)
December 11th, 2006 at 11:34 pm
Hey, I’m a big RSS user, with 20 or so feeds that I keep an eye on regularly and there are two others options (the two I use ) that I would like to point out.
FYI: I currently have about 12,000 unread items in my feed reader.
Labels: attention deficit, RSS

...and maybe not tell him about the 1.3% of regular feed reading people who have over 1000 feeds.
I found this comment funny myself, but didn't say anything at the time so as not to alienate a reader of my blog. How about an invite to test your your prdouct? I am currently looking at Daylife as well and would love to see how the two stack up to each other.
1000 feeds? What the heck are you reading? lol. Ok, I'm read a lot of feeds compared to everyone else I know.
I am very interested in your software though. I would love to test it :)
@Ashley - The funny thing is that, in theory, people should subscribe to ALL RSS feeds and still be able to see only the content that matters to them. That's the vision right?
@Will - I understand - but I thought, being 1 degree of separation away that I could take the liberty of poking fun.
I can't send you an invite right now because we are between testing periods however please sign up to the mailing list to the left and you will get one ASAP.
@Bardic - Looks like you found us! Sorry to poke fun at your expense but it was all in a good spirit.
Can you please sign up to the mailing list as well and we will be sure to send those invites out as soon as we can.
Thanks for stopping by guys
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