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"Particls is the coolest thing I've seen in quite a while"
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Michael Mahemoff
Software as She's Developed


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Brand Monitoring with Particls

The issue of Brand Monitoring is one of those things that is super important, but super hard to get a grasp on. There are tools that measure influence like BuzzLogic and others that let you search for blog posts like Google Blogsearch and Technorati, but a tool that monitors the conversation and alerts you in real-time seems to be hard to come by.

Recently, more and more people are talking about Yahoo! Pipes for brand monitoring. It's not a bad idea. Pipes is a great tool for assembling complicated RSS pipelines and could, with quite a bit of work and understanding, be used to get a pretty good brand monitor going.

Or you could use Particls. Particls is like a Yahoo Pipe dedicated to monitoring topics of interest. Your brand is definitely of interest. So is your high profile/visible staff, and your competitors, and their products, and your suppliers, and their brands.

You want to know everything about everything related to your business so you can react quickly and decisively.

Manufacturers, VCs, Lawyers, Retailers, Startups - you name it. Brand and Business Monitoring is critical.

So don't just think of Particls as your solution for the latest Paris Hilton news - it can also get you the latest M&A news - right along side Flickr photos from your kids.

We actually use Particls to monitor news and chatter about Particls. Many people are actually surprised at how quickly we respond to blog posts and tweets as a result.

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Blogger Will said...

Interesting stuff Chris. One of the guys here, Michael is always telling me how great Particls is - I'm on ubuntu so I haven't experienced it first hand yet.

We use our own Reputation Monitor tool to do this kind of thing - essentially simplifying the process you could go through using something like Yahoo! pipes...

I'm going to keep reading your stuff - let us know when you have Particls for other platforms...

8:28 PM  
Blogger Chris Saad said...

Hi Will,

Michael has great taste :)

Why are you using Ubuntu man - that's crazy. Just kidding - we are looking at all the platforms and will keep you in the loop on the blog.

Drop me a line (chris@particls.com) we should talk about working together.

8:42 PM  

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