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"Particls is the coolest thing I've seen in quite a while"
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SuperHelix (User)

"Particls has every chance of becoming [a] standard"
Michael Mahemoff
Software as She's Developed


Friday, July 06, 2007

New Feature: Auto-Update Levels

The latest version of Particls has lots of nifty enhancements and improvements however I wanted to bring your attention to one in particular.

There is a setting in the 'Skins and Settings' property sheet called 'AutoupdateType'

From now on, we will be pushing 'Experimental Builds' first, then Minor Builds second, then Major Builds third.

This means if you consider yourself a hardcore tester and true Particls fan, you can get more updates, earlier, by using the 'Experimental Builds' setting. This exposes you to more risks (as far as using Beta software goes), but it also means that you can get in early and have your say on bugs and features

It also means that if you are a user who prefers to keep a stable, smooth operation, you will see less updates and less hickups in your Particls experience!

Thanks to the usual hard work of the Dev team especially Ash and Paul for this one.

You would have learned about this first on Tangler and Twitter.

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