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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Will the Facebook Beacon 'incident' hurt Internet Advertising?

Question: Is the Facebook Beacon debacle going to scare companies from trying new marketing paradigms in the near future? Particulary any advertising models that mix in social features?


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Blogger David Novakovic said...

I'd say that compared to the potential market out there and absolutely small fraction of it that even know about Beacon, companies won't care. They'll just be more careful, I'd say that it's better that this has happened now rather than when companies actually get lied too and THEN also have the companies reputation damaged. Coke et al got out early enough in this case.

2:02 PM  
Blogger daniela barbosa said...

just on the pure internet advertising model (for only a sec-just one-let's not bring in the reality of data ownership- ;-)

funny thing is that many who are jumping all over the evilness of the Beacon 'incident' are probably the same people that say they never click on Web Ads.
This is a good piece with some good follow-up comments on who does and why:

i believe we are only seeing the beginning of social features on the web and new participants who will come online for them- advertisers don't get scared they adapt and follow the consumer.

3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have to be realistic here. Most people just don't know and don't care about those backstage issues. Most people don't even know that data are shared and the few people who followed this story have, like everybody else on this fast paced attention economy, a very short memory. Advertisers are the MOST informed persons regarding behavior so... I bet on 0 impact, unfortunately.

12:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It might not hurt internet advertising, but it will certainly help further the user-owned data cause.

4:46 AM  

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