Social Network Portability - Continued
Dave says:
Then vendors who have been on the right side of this issue will be the heroes.
It happened with copy protection, a similar issue to data lock-in. One vendor with a very popular product took the lead in challenging the more established companies. Borland, with Sidekick, was the product that broke the dam. Users wised up and refused to buy products that were copy protected. It could happen again.
I am so glad this issue is finally getting some traction. As I have said many times on this blog - while Facebook has gone some way to letting apps in, they are still far from allowing data and users out.
As reported, some very smart people are working on the problem. And of course there is APML.
Labels: APML, attention data, attention profiles, Media 2.0, Social Networks

As I couldn't find any email address of yours, I would like to point yout to "NoseRub":
The idea is to create a protocol for a decentralised social network. Right now, I'm implementing an example application in PHP. After the weekend, a first release will be available for download.
NoseRub should be able to be installed on every personal server, but also can be used as a hosting service.
You can find some information in the wiki and the blog.
Right now, aggregation of data, creating contacts and their accounts is working. The next steps will be to include FOAF/hCard+XFN, so that information can be distributed between different instances of NoseRub on different servers.
After that, a OpenID-Server will be included.
I'm new to APML, but it sure is an important issue: who may see which pieces of my data for how long and for what purpose?
I would be glad, if you could contact me via mail: dirk.olbertz at gmail.
Great to hear from you Dirk - Will reach out via email.
You're idea sounds very interesting.
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