Why does CNN not get it?

Why is this poll on CNN.com's home page?
- I don't have a pet
- I don't want to own a pet
- There are plenty of other more important things for CNN to cover than pets
- Argg!
Come on people... please. How hard is it to learn my interests and serve up relevant content (I don't even dare asking for APML support). Even without tracking user interests, I can almost guarantee you that people visiting CNN.com do not care about Dog food. Not on the front page!
An even broader question - do they not watch Jon Stewart? Do they not get it? The world is begging for real questions and real answers to real problems. How hard is it to stick to real news in this day and age. Surely they can leave Pet food to the Lifestyle channel?
Why do they waste our time with O.J Simpson? Ratings? Imagine the ratings they would get if they actually picked a fight with Washington - if they actually spelled out the truth of things for everyone to hear and see.
This is why Media 2.0 will win. We can use tools to find the real content and skip the garbage.
Showing pets love... buh.
Labels: APML, cnn, Media 2.0, news reading, personal relevancy, relevancy, world peace

The animal health industry rings up around $31 billion in annual sales.
With those kinds of numbers, I'd say that most people visiting the front page of CNN actually DO have an interest in pets and the quality of their health, which includes the treats people feed them.
That said, I'll agree with you here:
"The world is begging for real questions and real answers to real problems. How hard is it to stick to real news in this day and age."
CNN, along with many other major media outlets are turning into the equivalent of People Magazine.
Mostly fluff, little news.
I couldn't agree more. It's getting increasingly difficult for editors to manage the flow of news. Recently PEJ (project for excellence in jounalism) published a report trying -in vain- to imply that traditional media is still better than user-new sites. The report is nothing but flawed.
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