Google reader set to abuse more of your Attention Data
The recent leak of Google's plans for its Google Reader product are interesting. Particularly the following point:
Very soon, Google Reader will recommend feeds to the user, based on previous subscriptions and other Google activity.
Every day, more and more applications - particularly Google Apps - are starting to use and abuse your Attention Data.
This is a growing concern that I have been tracking for some time.
From that previous post:
Are you so willing to give up your rights so easily? You are, in effect, saying that you are happy for Google to absorb all your personal data - your digital identity (incidentally your digital identity is quickly becoming a large proportion of your overall identity) - and you're going to TRUST them to be completely benevolent about it? Forever?
You want no leverage? None? You don't want any accountability? Ownership? Mobility? Economy? Transparency? Because while I love Google as much as the next person - they are not transparent. And they do not respect your Attention rights.
This brings me to my next point. Economy implies that something (property) has value (in this case your Attention Data and Attention Profile). It also implies that you can transfer your property (and its value). You can sell it and leveraged and do all sorts of fancy things. It also requires multiple participants in an ecosystem.
So to dig deeper into Sam's original question "Is Google Building the Attention Economy?" the answer is no.
Google is not building the Attention Economy. They are using their huge surface area to try to grab as much of your Attention Data as possible to target and sell ads on TV, Radio, Web and Print. They are increasingly becoming an 'Attention Aware Advertising Company'.
Another key question now is, if you have an application that displays RSS/ATOM, do you have a Personal Relevancy/Attention Data strategy? If not, your software will quickly become obsolete.
Join the APML workgroup and add Engagd functionality to your feed reader today (as others are) to make sure your feed reading efforts remain relevant (pun intended).
Labels: APML, APML Workgroup, attention data, attention economy, attention profiling, control, engagd, google, Media 2.0, portability, Privacy

Google already has built an attention economy. Your attention in exchange for 'good' search and services. You are allowed to take your attention with you. Just not your attention profile. Not yet. :)
What you describe is an Attention Transaction - not an Attention Economy.
An Economy involves more than one player in an eco-system.
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