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Friday, August 24, 2007

MySpace & MTV Plan US Presidential Candidate Chats

A recent headline from the Australian ABC really grabbed my attention today. Its says:
"MySpace and MTV say they have joined forces to let candidates for the US presidency individually discuss ideas and issues with young people in online webcasts."
This sort of news really excites me becasue its seems, like never before just as the audience has the power in the web, the world can now have the power over governments. I'm sure there are many people who will complain about the potential bias of MySpaces cooperate linage - but I am of the optimistic belief that any conversation, especially political direction and debate is ultimately positive.

Its a perfect example I think of social media reaching out to the masses, giving people from all walks, the chance to be heard.

It also got me wondering, how would have the 60's, 70's and 80's been different if we had Social Media and Social Networking resources back then? I wonder if Social Media might put us on path to finally start getting over our differences and start getting the work that needs to be done; done?

via Particls.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could some one please help me.
I am looking for an email address for the US Presidential Candidates to enable me to send them a Blessing from God certificate from the website www.godsblessingsforyou.com
I am confident that candidates who receive a Blessing from God will find that it provides a great boost to their confidence.

A supporter

2:56 PM  

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