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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Microsoft puts a price on your Attention Data - $4999.80/year

USD$4999.80/year - that's how much Microsoft values your Attention Data.

As Dallas writes on his blog:

If you would like a free copy of Windows Vista, then simply go to http://wfp.microsoft.com/.

The catch? You have to allow Microsoft to watch your every move for 3 months, and there are also some other requirements (below). This of course isn't for everyone, some people wouldn't care less and some would definitely have to think ten times about it before going ahead.

I really don't know how I feel about this program, since my privacy is worth quite a bit. Will they be tracking websites I go to, software I use, content I post on websites? In a world where spyware software exists to calm the ever increasing paranoid attitude of the public, how would a program like this be treated by the masses? While I am fairly confident that my online security is safe with Microsoft (credit cards, etc) do I really want to put my digital life on the line for the small price of one software product? Kevin - Notebook Review

What do you get?

  • Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate (32-bit and 64-bit DVD)
  • Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007
  • Microsoft Money Plus Premium
  • Microsoft Student with Encarta Premium 2008
  • Microsoft Streets and Trips 2008


  • First off, you have to be an American resident and over the age of 18 years.
  • You must own the computer you will be using.
  • You are required to fill out a survey at the start, and then every 2 weeks.
  • The automated program is offered to Windows Vista and Windows XP customers only.
  • The survey feedback program applies to all versions of Windows.
  • Microsoft, comScore, and MarketTools employees are not eligible to participate.
Matthew Hall (aDB) from Twitter has worked out the exact value of this bundle of software for me (thanks Matthew!)
Well here's the numbers I get from Best Buy :

Total Bundle Value at Best Buy $1249.95 - for 3 months of your Attention Data.

Interesting hey?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that USD? Because the dollar has fallen quite a bit.

I think it's scary. I can't figure out what Microsoft would want to know about me so badly to drop all that on me. Then again, I don't know who'd want to torture themselves with Vista enough to let Microsoft spy on them.

1:56 PM  
Blogger Ash said...

Yes, thats US dollars. You could probably be safe for adding at least another 25% if you're in Australia.

I think this is staggering. As I posted in a previous article, here.

As consumers we need to be more aware of the cost of the things we do (even the things we do without even realizing) and the value it brings to all sorts of companies who either want to find better ways to market to you, or for companies who want to serve you better. In either case, attention data is important and unfortunately, consumers don't seem to understand it's value (just yet). Our attention is valuable and the need for APML and Data Portability has never been so important.

6:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100% Ashley, and I think it's great that companies are using data to enhance their own products and / or services.

I really don't think anyone could have an issue with using Vista under the agreement, unless of course you use pirated versions of software, then that's another story.

If more companies focus on attention data, the better products and services we will receive.

10:35 AM  

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