Attention is Meme Sex
He states that:
Biological sex is the penultimate act by which a gene may hope to achieve replication in another body. The genes of the mother and father combine somewhat randomly creating a unique set of genes for the child. This is basic biology.
Right - with you so far... But then he asks...
But how exactly to memes replicate? "Imitation" is often suggested, as in the Wikipedia article. But imitation presupposes something more fundamental: attention. You can't imitate what you haven't paid attention to. Attention is meme sex.
The best part, however, is when he goes on to compare advertising to a kind of sexual assault of our attention.
Read the full article - Attention is Meme Sex. Great metaphor!
I'm suddenly feeling a little randy.

Hi Chris, glad you liked my post. And great to discover your blog; good to find other people interested in the problems and potential of attention.
Looking forward to trying Touchstone. How have I not heard of this before!?
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