Bloglines announces intention to support APML
This is great news for users who want to take control of their Attention Profiles. We expect this to be the first of a number of announcements from larger players over the winter.
Thanks to Eric Engleman (New GM at Bloglines) for his support of open standards and user rights - he is really shaking things up over at Bloglines in the best way possible. Having spoken to Eric myself, it is clear that he has a keen understanding of the issues and is dedicated to creating an improved feed reading experience while giving users ownership of their own metadata.
You can read more on the Bloglines Blog. You can also implement your own APML support with just a few lines of code using Engagd.
Thanks must also go to Chris Pirillo for making the introductions.
You can read further coverage over on Read/Write Web where Marshall has done his usual thorough and eloquent analysis.
Further Coverage:
Ross Dawson from Future Exploration Network has written a very thoughtful piece about the growing APML movement and its implications for user control and advertising.
Ian Forrester from BBC has covered the announcement.
Elias Bizannes from PWC has also chimed in.
Daniela from Dow Jones has written a post. She may consider moving back to Bloglines now!
Duncan Riley over at Techcrunch has picked up the news also.
Labels: APML, attention profiles attention data, bloglines, ericengleman, feed reading, Media 2.0

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