Basics of Attention Profiling - By CleverClogs
She has done it yet again with her latest blog post entitled "Basics of Attention Profiling through APML".
As her blurb says:
"If you want to inform yourself of the basic principles of attention profiling or need to explain the concept to others then please read on. Feel free to add your clarifications, your conclusions and your constructive criticism to this deliberately non-geek conversation."
She begins with a great summary of the topics she will cover:
In recent months quite a few bloggers covered the growing adoption of APML, a proposed standard for attention profiling. Those about to give up reading here already, please don't. I personally found most of these posts delving in rather deep. If you want to inform yourself of the basic principles of attention profiling or need to explain the concept to others then please read on.
With today's post I'd like to make an attempt at writing a layman's article answering exactly these three questions:
- What is attention profiling and what are the benefits?
- What tools and services already support or endorse attention profiling?
- Where could you go next?
And answer them she does. With screenshots and all.
Check it out - show it to your Attention challenged friends - spread the love.
The post is already linked in a RWW post by Marshall.
Labels: APML, attention, cleverclogs, marjolein, marshallkirkpatrick, Media 2.0, ReadWriteWeb, walkthrough

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